Everyone Deserves A Fresh Start

The Latest With Lewis – March 2022

On March 9, 2022, Katie presented to the Family Law Section of the Dallas Bar Association regarding the Texas HIPAA Guide for Lawyers. She has spoken all over the state of Texas the last five years on the issue of HIPAA as it relates to the practice of Family Law. Katie enjoys advising other lawyers on the laws in Texas regarding a person’s protected health information and the effects of said laws on our day to day work in Family Law. “It is an honor to be asked to speak to my fellow colleagues in the Dallas Bar Association.”

Time to Designate Your Summer Time with the Kiddos

The Texas Standard Possession Order is contained in most Court Orders in the state of Texas. April 1 & 15, 2022 are important deadlines for parents in Texas when it comes to designating your extended summer period of possession. Failure to designate your summer extended period of possession by April 1st can result in you receiving a default period of time in the summer. Failure to designate your weekend period of possession by April 15th can cause a forfeit of said weekend. Please reach out to our Team to if you have any questions regarding these deadlines for your extended summer possession. We are here to help!

How Can You Financially Benefit From A Divorce?

When it comes to divorce, most people talk about financial disadvantages. However, according to the U.S. News, there are many financial benefits to divorce.

You may be able to increase your bottom line and boost your financial profile.
– Retirement Fund Access: During a divorce, you have a rare opportunity to pull money from your retirement account without an early withdrawal penalty.
– Budget and Financial Control: Some partners want more financial control, but until divorce does not have as much power… Read More

Happy News

Scientists peering into the depths of Mars’ own grand canyon have found that water makes up as much as 40% of the ground there, an enormous amount considering it’s near to the hot dry equator of the Red Planet.

We may now be closer to manned exploration of Mars than mankind has ever been before!

Important Considerations for Unmarried Fathers in Texas

As a male, if you have a child out of wedlock in Texas, the state does not recognize you as a legal parent. This could have important consequences if you wish to play a role in the upbringing of your child.

To establish your rights as a father, you might have to take a series of legal actions.
– Paternity: The office of the Texas Attorney General describes paternity as legal fatherhood as an unmarried, biological father, you must establish paternity to gain legal rights to the child.
– Birth Certificate: Once you establish paternity, you might wish… Read More