Everyone Deserves A Fresh Start

Custom Dallas Divorce Preparation Services

One key to defending yourself through a divorce is preparation. This can be a difficult goal to achieve if you are not familiar with the divorce process or how to defend your best interests. Thankfully, you do not have to undergo the challenges of a divorce on your own.

When people contact Katie L. Lewis, P.C. Family Law, they are not always wondering how to get a divorce but if they should. When you choose us to help you through your divorce, we will help craft a personalized strategy based on your unique needs through asset division, custody arrangements, and all other areas of your divorce.

Planning For Your Finances In Texas

It is important to gather your comprehensive financial information together, and to make yourself aware of your financial situation both as a couple and as an individual. Doing so will likely save you fees in the long run and will make your proceedings go more smoothly if you get a divorce. Financial planning can include:

  • Securing copies of the last two years of tax returns
  • Becoming familiar with all existing financial accounts, including bank statements, credit cards, investments and retirement funds
  • Making sure you are added or included as an authorized user on all relevant accounts
  • Understanding where your assets are and how to access them
  • Putting together a comprehensive assessment of the property you hold separately and jointly with your spouse
  • Collecting copies of your and your spouse’s most recent pay stubs
  • Checking your credit reports and becoming familiar with outstanding debts you and your spouse hold

If you feel you are not able to collect and interpret all of these items on your own, our firm can refer you to a financial adviser or accountant to aid you in these endeavors.

A Comprehensive Approach

In addition to financial considerations, you may be worried about child custody, visitation and support. If you are not already, make sure you are actively involved in your children’s lives. This involves knowing their friends, teachers and doctors, as well as their hobbies, activities and interests. You should take your child or children to school, get them ready for bed, help with homework, feed them and bathe them. To prepare for future custody hearings, collecting homework logs, attendance records, report cards, and day care logs can aid you when it comes to temporary and permanent custody rights.

Consulting a divorce lawyer early on in the process can also give you insight as to when and if you should file first. Depending on whether you and your spouse will engage in a contested or uncontested divorce, your goals may be different, and therefore, your legal process should be handled differently. Discussing your options with an attorney will save you headaches in the long run.

Discuss Your Options

Even if you are contemplating divorce but have not made any decisions, contact our Dallas office by emailing us or by calling 214-461-5028 to discuss how you can prepare.