Everyone Deserves A Fresh Start

Fathers’ And Mothers’ Rights In Dallas

No matter what your role is at home, in the state of Texas, every parent is entitled to specific parental rights and duties regarding their children. Whether you are worried about fathers’ rights or having been a working parent while your spouse stayed at home, Katie L. Lewis, P.C. Family Law can help you put together a plan of action to protect your interests and the interests of your child.

Caretaker Parents

In Texas, fathers’ and mothers’ rights are equal in the eyes of the law. To care for yourself and your child after a divorce, however, it is important to recognize the realities that will change regarding custody and support. As a stay-at-home mother or father, it may be difficult to prepare for a new life in which your former spouse’s earning ability may change, and child support and spousal maintenance may not be enough to support you and your child in the same lifestyle. It may be necessary to find employment, more affordable housing and child care. By contacting an attorney, you can put together a plan to ensure that every area of concern is addressed and your rights are protected.

Texas Working Parents

Many working parents who come to our firm are worried about custody rights. They often fear that if their spouse has been the primary caretaker, they will be unable to secure joint responsibility. The best way to address these fears is to consult a lawyer about your options. You may be asked to provide documentation of your involvement in your child’s life to show the court you have shared parenting responsibilities. If you are worried about being unable to provide this support, it is best to increase your involvement in your child’s life as soon as possible and speak to our attorney about divorce planning to help your custody case.

Get Prepared

If you are concerned about your rights, make an appointment at our Dallas office today. Contact us online or call us at 214-461-5028 .