Everyone Deserves A Fresh Start

Signs that the other parent may be alienating you

On Behalf of | Mar 9, 2019 | Divorce |

Nothing is more important to you than protecting the relationship you have with your child. Even after a divorce, you desire to have a strong relationship with him or her and maintain your role as an active, involved and loving parent. However, the other parent may still be harboring hard feelings toward you, and the result can be parental alienation. 

Parental alienation occurs when one parent does his or her best to negatively influence the other parent’s relationship with the children. Often, a contentious or difficult divorce gives rise to strong emotions and feelings of anger or jealously that can lead to this behavior. If you are experiencing this, you have the right to actively work to put a stop to it and seek necessary changes to your current arrangement.

Don’t miss these warning signs

There are various signs that could indicate you may have a problem with parental alienation on your hands. The other parent may be hostile, refuse to communicate with you or do other things that raise concerns. You may notice your child begins to act differently as well. Specific warning signs of parental alienation include the following:

  • Your child asks that you not attend his or her extracurricular activities.
  • Your child begins acting defiantly toward you and disrespectful when he or she is with you.
  • The other parent begins to exclude you from knowing about educational issues and school-related things.

These are just a few of the signs that the other parent could be doing damage to the relationship you have with your kids. This can be through behaviors such as speaking negatively about you to your children and other indirect means. Direct alienation attempts may include causing problems at drop-off or pick-up or keeping the child from talking to you. 

Damage caused by parental alienation

Parental alienation can cause significant damage to the relationship you have with your child. You may find it beneficial to seek legal guidance in order to understand the specific options you have. It may be appropriate to move forward with an attempt to secure court-ordered counsel, make-up parenting time or even a modification to your current child custody and visitation plan. 

Children benefit when allowed to maintain strong relationships and regular access to both parents after a divorce. If you believe that this is under threat, you do not have to fight for your rights as a parent alone.
