Everyone Deserves A Fresh Start

Temporary orders during a time of separation

On Behalf of | Aug 27, 2018 | Family Law |

Sometimes, couples find it necessary to have a time of separation before proceeding with divorce, and there are certain steps you can take during separation to protect your interests. Temporary orders from a family court can outline how the separation period will work.

Separation is about more than just one party moving out. This time can last for months or even years, and having temporary orders in place can be useful for both parties to understand rights, responsibilities and their individual roles before the divorce is final. Before you continue, you will find it beneficial to learn what temporary orders include.

Temporary orders for your family 

There are many issues that will affect your family during the divorce process. Some of these things cannot wait for a finalization of the divorce process, and it is necessary to seek a short-term agreement on certain pressing matters. Temporary orders allow you to have some kind of protection and security regarding the following: 

  • What will happen to your family home
  • Child custody and visitation during the separation period
  • Temporary spousal support orders
  • Child support and other issues related to the care of the children
  • Medical expenses and insurance
  • What will happen to marital property during the separation

Temporary order hearings can move quickly, yet you will have the opportunity to tell the judge what you hope for the terms of the order. These arrangements are temporary, yet they can sometimes serve as the foundation of a final divorce order in the future.

Even though you are not stuck with the terms of this specific type of order forever, you still have the right to seek a temporary arrangement that provides benefits and protections for your family.

Shielding your family’s interests

If you are facing divorce or a likely lengthy period of separation, you would be wise to first seek a complete evaluation of your case. This can help you understand your rights and how you can take steps to protect the future, whether you are separating or divorcing.

Your future interests are worth protecting, no matter what family law issue you are facing. Before you make a decision or move forward with any type of agreement, you will find it helpful to think about the long-term impact of these choices for you and your children.
