Everyone Deserves A Fresh Start

Is a nesting divorce the most viable option for you?

On Behalf of | Jul 21, 2017 | Divorce |

When you decided to end your marriage in a Texas court, you and your soon-to-be former spouse likely had to discuss many issues, especially where your children were concerned. Now that a little time has passed and you’re preparing for divorce proceedings, you may want to consider various child custody options and alternative living arrangements. There’s a new style of post-divorce living that is trending these days; many parents say it’s made all the difference in helping their kids adapt.

“Nesting” is what it’s called, and it means that your children keep living where they have always lived during your marriage. The way it works is that you and your former partner would take turns coming back to the house you once shared together to live with your children. When one parent’s time is up, he or she leaves (and goes to another residence), and the other one moves back in.

What are the potential benefits of nesting?

Although some people only take part in nesting arrangements during the separation phase of their divorces, others continue to maintain this lifestyle after they reach a settlement. Following are some of the pros others who have nested in the past say their arrangements brought them:

  • Easy communication: Since you and your former spouse will be coming and going from the same house, you can designate an area to leave each other notes when a message needs passed between you. It’s simple and convenient and may even help prevent arguments if in-person communication is a challenge for you both.
  • Stability: Many child psychologists say children thrive on structure and routine, and a sense of normalcy in their daily lives. Divorce is tough on kids, and nesting allows them to maintain a sense of stability by staying in the same house they shared when their family was all under one roof.
  • Financial advantages: You may be able to save money if you choose your rented space (for your time away from your children) wisely.

It can be challenging to continue to share intimate living space with your former spouse. It may also sometimes feel inconvenient for you to always be coming and going; however, many parents say they’d rather be the ones to do the running, rather than making their children switch houses all the time. Nesting is certainly not required in divorce. It’s a personal choice for which you must weigh the pros and cons to discern if it’s best for your family. Many people also choose to seek outside guidance for help in making their decisions.

A Texas family law attorney is well-versed in all laws pertaining to living arrangements and other child custody and visitation matters. You can enlist the skills of an experienced attorney to help you put your proposed parenting plan in writing.
